from other Naperville Hardwood Floor Businesses?
You have a large selection of hardwood floor refinishing companies to choose between here in Naperville and the surrounding areas.
How do you choose one you can fully trust? Is there a way to see if one stands out from all the others?
We feel there is. We are not the average hardwood floor business. And we can prove it.
Below you can read the 12 reasons that set us at Tadas Wood Flooring apart from other wood floor restoration businesses in our area:

REASON 1Refinishing hardwood floors is all we do ... everyday working day of the year
Most hardwood floor businesses in Naperville and the surrounding Chicago suburbs do pretty much everything related to hardwood floors.
They supply and sell all types of wood flooring – solid unfinished, solid pre-finished, engineered wood of all kinds and also laminate flooring. They will also install all of these using a variety of methods – with glue, by nailing them or they’ll use the floating floor system. Above and beyond all of this, they also offer wood floor refinishing, wood floor staining and hardwood floor repair services.
In this typical scenario, a business’s crew is all over the place in skills. They may spend 80 percent of their time doing installations and just a small portion of their time is dedicated to sanding and refinishing wood floors. Even if they do half and half of each, they are still divided between these vastly different skills and will never have the chance to become superior in just one of them.
Here at Tadas Wood Flooring – refinishing and repairing hardwood floors is our main focus... every single working day of the week.
Years ago we realized it’s impossible to be the best at everything, so we changed focus on trying to be the jack-of-all-trades when it came to hardwood floors by offering all the services listed above. Instead, we decided to become the best hardwood floor refinishers in Naperville. We love refinishing and restoring wood floors – and to toot our own horns a little – we are really good at it now that it’s been our main focus for all of these years.

REASON 2We guarantee that you will never have to deal with the huge issue of dust
Dealing with clouds of dust is always one of the greatest fears for most of our clients, especially if they are already living in their house.
Most people have heard the horror stories of home owners having to spend weeks cleaning up the mess after they’ve had their floors sanded. It really can be that bad if the workers you hire don’t take certain precautions.
Just thinking about all that hassle might make you want to postpone having your floors done for a while… if not indefinitely!
Fortunately you won’t to deal with this issue anymore if you don’t want to. In the last 5 years or so, huge advancements have been happening in dust containment technology. We’ve been staying right on top of studying and testing these systems. We settled on a great dustless system that makes use of advanced cyclone technology. It works great. So much so that when we combine using that technology with another system we’ve set-up, we are able to offer a genuine 100 percent dustless guarantee.
It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? But it’s actually quite simple to achieve and promise, as you’ll find out when you read about our dustless hardwood floor refinishing system and how it works.

REASON 3We have a full team of professionally trained guys on every job
Let’s be honest – you just want your wood floors to be finished as quickly as possible.
The last thing you want is for it to take any longer than is necessary, especially if you have to stay away during the restoration process.
The truth is, for your floors to be restored to a high standard, there is a set amount of man hours needed that can’t be changed. The only possible way to speed things up is by having a full team of professionals working on your floors non-stop during work hours.
Some businesses only have one person to do all of the work. It’s pretty obvious to see that it will take much longer to finish your floors compared to a professional 2 to 4 person crew. We’ve discovered during the 20+ years we’ve been doing this that a 2 to 3 man crew is the perfect sized team... it offers just the right balance of timeliness, high quality and great service. We have a couple of multi-person crews to serve our clients. We can go up to a 8 person crew if the job calls for it as well.
If you can find a crew that has worked together for a long time and work extremely efficiently together, then you’re very fortunate.

REASON 4We have a mountain of references that you can contact
When deciding between what business you want to work with, it’s important to get feedback from previous customers.
You may see many websites with lots of testimonials, that’s a good thing to see from a business. But most people still wonder just how true some of them are. How can they be properly verified? Where are the phone numbers so you can call them up if you want to?
We have lots of feedback from our happy clients on our Photos page and in online reviews you can read.
But to make it certain that we’re not hiding anything from you, we’re more than willing to let you have access to our previous clients phone numbers (of course with their permission first) so you will have the opportunity to call them for yourself if you like and ask them in person if we practice what we preach.
We honestly have nothing to hide from anyone. In fact you’ll most likely be able to talk with the client we’re working with right at this moment if you like – pretty hard to get more up-to-date than that. But that’s not the only thing you should be worried about, you also will want to know how the quality of work and the products a business uses stand up over time. For this reason we’re happy to provide you with references from clients we’ve worked with during the 17 years we’ve been in business.
Page 7 of our Guide: ‘The 5 Questions You Must Ask.’ (found here) has a list of questions you may want to ask them.

REASON 5You get to deal with one person for the entire job
There are three big benefits to being able to deal with one person from the start to the finish of your flooring restoration.
The first big benefit is that you get to meet me during the In-Home Evaluation and see if you even want me to be working on your floors in the first place.
This is hard to do when you’re dealing with a salesman or estimator during the quoting process and then blindly taking a chance when the refinishing crew show up. You just have to hope they will be people you like and can trust to have in your home.
The second benefit is that it cuts out any misunderstandings or miscommunication that could come up if you’re dealing with an estimator and then a separate employee (or sub-contractor) on the actual job. When you deal with us, you’ll always be communicating with the same person, me.
And thirdly, honestly, who wouldn’t want the owner of the business to be personally working on your floors? It’s his business after all. It’s his reputation on the line. And he’s the one that will have to answer for anything not done right.

REASON 6We offer a genuine guarantee and hold ourselves to it
One of the hardest things to come to grips with in choosing a wood floor refinishing business is that you are investing a substantial amount of money for a service that you won’t get to see until it’s fully completed.
Shopping for a refinishing company is not like car shopping where you have the choice of going to as many car yards as you like to compare prices and options on the exact same type of car.
With service businesses, you have no choice but to take an educated gamble. That’s not the most comforting thought is it?
You may be offered lots of references and testimonials from a business, but even then, how can you be certain they’ll do the same quality of work on your wood floors? What if they have a bad day? What if they’re training a new guy and he makes a big mistake? What if they paid for those reviews (yes we know 100% this happens). The “What if…” possibilities are endless.
For these reasons, we felt we had to go one step further than most Naperville wood floor refinishing businesses and offer something that would put you at ease before you even have a chance to see the finished results of your floors. If a company is really as good as they brag about then they should have no problem standing behind their work 100 percent. We completely stand behind our work and we’re proud to be able to offer our clients a guarantee stating this in writing.
We’re very good at what we do and we’re more than happy to assume all of the risk and take away all of the worries you may have of getting top quality work and service with our 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.

REASON 7We guarantee exact, fully itemized pricing that will not change
Don’t you hate it when you receive a price for a job you need to have done and after it’s completed they come back with – “Oh, I missed this when I was pricing it out” or “I needed to spend more time than I thought so it is going to cost extra…”
I promise that will never happen when you hire us. Everything will be itemized on your written estimate and you will get to choose the options you want. Once that’s decided on, that’s the price you pay, end of story. If I find out later that I’ve made a mistake in the cost of things, I promise you won’t have to pay for my error and I won’t even bring the subject up.
(The only exception to this is if you want to add extra work that was not part of the original estimate. If this happens, we’ll provide you with a new estimate and continue working once you approve the additional cost.)

REASON 8We will never recklessly experiment on your valuable floors
The last thing you want is for a business to start carrying out product experiments, mixing different types of product and testing new finishes on your valuable floors. New products need to be tested off-site in a controlled environment so they can be properly tested and analyzed before being used on a paying client’s floors.
If there’s any new techniques or products we want to try out, that’s how we experiment. It’s how we came to the decision to use the super high quality German Pallman water-based finish systems we and our clients are so happy with.
You can read some of the in-depth experiments and studies we do on new finishes on our blog. Here's one on Rubio Monocoat, one on Pallmann Magic Oil and another on OSMO Hardwax Oil to see how committed we are to providing real-world testing and good results before using them on our clients floors.
You also need to be wary of some unscrupulous “refinishers” out there that will say they use high end finishes but in reality use cheaper base coats and then put a higher quality finish as the last coat, basically mixing finish systems so they can save themselves some money. Not only is this cheating their customers out of what they think they’re paying for – carrying out on-site chemistry experiments like this will also greatly reduce the life of your floors. You lose on both counts.
With us, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting on your floors and you’ll be working with a business that keeps up with and stay on top of changes in the industry while not putting our client’s floors at risk.

REASON 9We always use long-lasting, extremely high quality products
There is no point investing a lot of time and money getting your wood floors restored if they only end up lasting for a few years. Low quality, cheap finishes will obviously not be able to stand up to normal household wear and tear.
As we talked about in point number 8, we've spent a lot of time testing many different finish systems. We will only ever offer the systems we know for a fact will stand up to high traffic environments, normal and extreme abuse and still look great many years down the road. Yes, they cost a little more initially, but they quickly pay for themselves over the life of your floors. We feel it’s better to do it right the first time instead of “cheaping out” and regretting it down the road.

REASON 10We spend extra time on floors to get them perfect. We never cut corners
Yes I admit it – my name is Tadas Sadunas and I’m a perfectionist! I love hardwood floors and I’ll do everything in my power to make every single one I work on come out as perfect as it possibly can. And yes, that means we’ll take extra steps and do things that many others may not feel is necessary.
For example we have invested in a special sanding machine called a TRIO that adds an extra step compared to what a normal refinisher here in Naperville would do. It takes us more time and effort, but your floors will turn out so much better, with less ‘chatter’ and ‘waves’ compared to not using this machine.
We also do extra steps before we stain floors that ensure our stained floors are among the very best in the industry.
We never rush over anything or cut corners. If something catches my eye and I wouldn’t have it in my own home, you can be sure it won’t be left in yours. This isn’t about production work for us. We love what we do and we’re proud to leave our reputation behind on every floor we restore. It’s easy to get a taste of our dedication to this craft by looking at some of the pictures of floors we’ve had the privilege of working on. We want you to be ecstatic with your new floors and feel the extra care we put into them is worth it for the both of us.

REASON 11We show up on time for all of our appointments
It’s kind of sad that we have to put this in here as something we’re proud to be different at. As you know, a lot of tradesmen have the bad reputation of always showing up late and they don’t seem to care about it.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand it when I have to call a service business like the telephone company to my home and they say they’ll show up within a period of a few hours – you always know it will be more.
My time is valuable and so is yours. I promise that we’ll do everything in our power to be on time. Most of the time I show up early and wait a few minutes in my car.
This gives me extra time incase traffic is bad. But sometimes things are beyond our control, so if we’re going to be even 10 minutes late, I’ll make sure I call you to let you know we’re around the corner and are on our way. This includes your In-Home Hardwood Floor Audit as well as for showing up for work each day if you haven’t left us with a key.

REASON 12 We are fully licensed and insured with liability and WCC coverage
For the last point I’ll keep it short. We have full Liability Insurance coverage for $2,000,000.00. That’s 2 million dollars. If anything goes wrong on the job, we’re covered.
We’re also fully up-to-date with our Workers Compensation coverage. If in the odd chance an accident occurs in or around your home, it will be fully looked after.
You’ll never have to worry and stress about anything going wrong, in the off chance the worst happens, when you decide to work with us.
Please feel free to ask to look at our insurance policies or take down our IWCC number so you can check it for yourself. This section of our Frequently Asked Questions has directions on how to easily do this.
So there you have it – 12 reasons why you should hire us to restore your hardwood floors.
We hope this has been of some help in helping you choose a refinishing company in Naperville (as well as Glen Ellyn, La Grange Park, Hinsdale, Downers Grove and other Dupage County areas) that you will be happy with.
If you would like me to come over to provide you with a free estimate, you can schedule your visit here.
PHOTOS from past projects
Worth every penny! Outstanding service and punctuality. Would be willing to recommend Tadas and his helpers to anybody. A very pleasant person to do business with. When Tadas said he would be here at 8am, he was here. When he said he would work to 5pm, he worked. It was very pleasant to have work done by a true professional.Dennis B | Naperville, IL